These 10 motivational quotes can inspire any student.

1.Think big

“A successful student becomes one who thinks big.”


Self-discipline of the students is such a power that can lead him toward success.”

3.Work hard

Intelligent students are not born, they achieve success by working hard.”

4.Invest in himself

“A successful student becomes the one who invests in himself.”

5.Add progress each day

“A little progress every day adds up to big results.”

6.Don’t waste time

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”

7.Effort, Concentration, alertness

Effort like a crow, concentration like a heron, alertness like a dog even while sleeping, can bring success to a student.”

8.Choose the best

“The only difference between the ordinary and the great is that the ordinary chooses him which is easy, but the best chooses the one who is difficult.”

9.Believe your dream

Belief is such a power that illuminates even the desolate world.”

10.Keep Learning

Always keep learning in life. It can give you success.